Dissertation proposal writing: being original
Writing a dissertation proposal is an important project that can help you learn more about a particular subject or issue. You want to present findings that are innovative, unique and original so you can get the approval you want. Working hard on this aspect may help in saving time and energy if your proposal gets approved; it will make working on the dissertation itself less stressful. The following points can help in providing insight on how to create original content for your dissertation proposal.
Take Your Time Reviewing What Has Been Researched in the Past
Many students begin getting ideas for their proposal by reviewing dissertations that were previously written. This allows you to absorb and compare your findings with what you may want to do for your project. You may be looking for an interesting angle to write from, or maybe you want to know if a problem has been solved with solutions previously offered. Depending on the subject matter this may take some time to do, but you can consider using various sources to help make your research and reading more interesting.
Be Open to Further Investigating a Cause, Claim or Inconclusive Results
Sometimes you have to go to the source of the problem of what caused it to be a concern, in order to understand how to bring originally to the situation. Again, depending on the subject matter for your proposal or field of study, you may be interested in looking at claims, findings, and results of those who completed research on similar subject matter. You may feel that something they did want done ineffectively or you want to propose another solution. You may be interested in conducting research on the same problem but offer another way of doing it in hopes of getting better results.
Take Note on Potential Elements You Can Add to the Situation
To do this you may need to do something different that has not been done in relation to the situation. This means you have to think outside of the box when it comes to getting ideas and how to collect the data you need to provide unique solid evidence. Look at the situation from different sides and think about what you want to add or change that could improve the outcome. What are steps you would have to do in order to make it happen and would it be plausible enough for further research?